During an interview on the Fox News Channel’s coverage of the 2020 Democratic National Convention on Wednesday, House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy reacted to 2020 Democratic vice presidential nominee Sen. Kamala Harris’ vow to solve the coronavirus pandemic if elected by stating that if 2020 Democratic presidential nominee former Vice President Joe Biden was the president right now, “we’d still be debating whether the planes from China should come to America.” McCarthy said that this is because “we know” Biden’s son, Hunter, “would probably be getting quite a bit of money from that.”

McCarthy said, [relevant remarks begin around 1:20] “You know, they have no message, so all they do is mislead. And when you watched tonight, they beg people to vote, but they don’t inspire somebody to vote with an agenda about tomorrow being better than today. When I watched, Kamala Harris said we’ll solve COVID. If Joe Biden was president today, we’d still be debating whether the planes from China should come to America. Because we know Hunter Biden would probably be getting quite a bit of money from that.”

McCarthy added that Republicans “can talk about opening schools back up. We can talk about restoring our way of life, meaning that we will defeat COVID, and you know how we’ll defeat it? Because we’ll have the therapeutics coming out even next month, hopefully. We’ll have vaccines like we’ve never seen before with this Operation Warp Speed that people will talk about.”

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