On Thursday’s broadcast of “PBS NewsHour,” National Security Adviser Robert O’Brien stated that he believes that “the Chinese have the most sophisticated global influence programs and strategies and abilities and capabilities in the world.” O’Brien also stated that the United States will not allow any outside nation, “whether it’s the Chinese, who are trying to elect Joe Biden, or the Russians, who are denigrating Joe Biden, or the Iranians or the Venezuelans or Cubans or any other country,” to interfere in America’s elections.
O’Brien said, “Our — the free and fair elections are the foundation of our democracy. They’re what make this country a great country. And we’re not going to tolerate any outside country, whether it’s China on behalf of Joe Biden — and, by the way, I dispute — the one thing I would dispute, I think the Chinese have the most sophisticated global influence programs and strategies and abilities and capabilities in the world. But whether it’s the Chinese, who are trying to elect Joe Biden, or the Russians, who are denigrating Joe Biden, or the Iranians or the Venezuelans or Cubans or any other country, they have to stay out of our elections.”
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