During a press conference on Thursday, Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) stated that if President Trump issues the executive orders on the economy that he has vowed to issue if Congress can’t reach a deal on the next round of coronavirus relief, the orders “will leave most people out, will not cover the broad expanse of what’s needed, will be litigated in court, and be awkward and difficult to implement.”

Schumer said, “I would say, right now, the president only has two choices: The first is to negotiate with Democrats. He knows Republicans can’t pass a bill, and you probably can’t even a majority of Republican senators to vote for any bill, let alone the House. So, the — one choice, the best choice, is to continue negotiating with us and realize he has to meet a compromise in the middle. It can’t be all his way or 95 or 90 percent his way. The second choice is to try these executive orders, which will leave most people out, will not cover the broad expanse of what’s needed, will be litigated in court, and be awkward and difficult to implement. It’s not a good choice at all.”

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