On Wednesday’s broadcast of CNN’s “Situation Room,” White House Chief of Staff Mark Meadows said that “it has been mostly the president and Republicans that have been making the concessions” in negotiations on the next round of coronavirus relief, and stated that if there isn’t “significant progress” on negotiations by Friday, President Trump will take executive action to ensure that eviction protections and enhanced unemployment payments remain in place.

Meadows said, “We’ll be back working with Speaker Pelosi and Sen. Schumer tomorrow evening as we try to reach some kind of consensus. But I can tell you that it has been mostly the president and Republicans that have been making the concessions in trying to finally get a deal across the finish line for those that are hurting during this unprecedented pandemic.”

He added, “[B]y Friday, if we haven’t made significant progress and we’re just too far apart, the president’s prepared to take executive action on those two items that you’re talking about, making sure that eviction protection is done. He will do that with — through executive action, making sure that those enhanced unemployment payments that stopped because Democrats refused to say yes just a few days ago, he will do executive actions, and take executive actions to actually address those two areas, to make sure that at least what he can do is take action because Congress won’t.”

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