Pelosi: ‘Blob’ AG Barr ‘Despicable’ — Was Not Forthcoming in His Congressional Testimony

Tuesday on MSNBC’s “The Beat,” House Speaker Nancy Pelosi called U.S. Attorney General William Barr “despicable” for his performance during a House Judiciary hearing earlier.

Pelosi said, “I don’t know that they learned anything, but it demonstrated to the American people the contempt that he has for our democracy. In fact, one year ago, in July, we held the attorney general in contempt. His inconsistencies about sending — not sending law enforcement in when people invaded really the legislature in Michigan and then saying because demonstrators are out on the street, that’s violent. But it wasn’t violent for people to go in with guns into the legislature in Michigan. So the inconsistency of it all. And the fact that he was, shall we say, not forthcoming in his rejecting any thought that he would talk politics as the attorney general with the president of the United States.”

She continued, “This is very serious. Ninety-eight more days to go, and he was even vague about stepping aside if it is clear. Clear to whom? Clear to the American people, the results of the election are the results of the election. He doesn’t have to qualify it. I just thought he was despicable and so beneath the dignity of an attorney general.”

She added, “Peaceful protest is who we are and what we do. And do some other people come along and try to disrupt? Yes. But you don’t send in people acting like stormtroopers into the scene and evoking even more unease and unrest. He should be answering for what he did at Lafayette Square, a disgrace. So this—it’s really — he was like a blob. He was like just a henchman for the president of the United States instead of the attorney general of the United States of America.”

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