Acting CBP Commissioner: Portland Could End Violence ‘Overnight’ – Their Policies Will ‘Result in Deadly Consequences’

On Thursday’s broadcast of the Fox Business Network’s “Evening Edit,” acting Customs and Border Protection Commissioner Mark Morgan stated that the violence in Portland would be over quickly if the local police in the city didn’t have their hands tied by city officials. Morgan sharply criticized local officials for forbidding the local police from sharing information with the federal agents and officers that are in the city, stating that doing so “is going to result in deadly consequences” and is “reckless and irresponsible.”

Morgan said, [relevant remarks begin around 2:45] “I have full faith in the Portland Police Department that that’s [stop the violence] what they want to do, but the local leadership are tying their hands. Look, if the mayor would open up and let the Portland Police Department do their job, you would see this violence end overnight. But they can’t. They are directed, and this mayor, not only is he tying their hands, but he’s actually forbidden them — the city council — to share information with federal agents and officers that are there. That is going to result in deadly consequences when law enforcement officers do not share information. It’s absolutely reckless and irresponsible.”

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