Monday on CNN’s “New Day,” Rep. James Clyburn (D-SC) accused Attorney General William Barr and President Donald Trump of “doing everything they possibly can to impose Gestapo activities” in Portland to address the ongoing civil unrest.
Anchor John Berman asked, “The Democrats calling for an investigation into what’s happening in Portland. What do you want to know?”
Clyburn said, “I’d like to know who ordered those people who be there. The way I understand things, it seems that somebody had to be deputized by the attorney general or some order from him to do what they were doing. And so I believe law enforcement should be left up to local communities and these communities. If they want help, they will summons the federal government to intercede. That’s the way it’s been done as long as I have been following this sort of thing. For all of a sudden for these people to go in there, nothing from the governor, from local law enforcement, show up with their faces covered in unmarked cars, this commercial in this ad from the Lincoln Project is exactly what we are about to experience in this country, the beginning of the ending of this democracy.”
He continued, “That kind of activity is the activity of a police state, and this president and this attorney general seem to be doing everything they possibly can to impose Gestapo activities in local communities, and that is what I have been warning about for a long time. I do believe that this election is all about the preservation of the greatest democracy that this country has ever known.”
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