Thursday on MSNBC, Sen. Kamala Harris (D-CA) decried President Donald Trump’s unwillingness to embrace the Black Lives Matter movement.

According to Harris, Trump’s narcissism is what prevents Trump from using the phrase “black lives matter.”

“I mean, I think that we’ve been talking for at least almost four years about the various definitions of narcissism, and ‘Black Lives Matter’ is not about Donald Trump,” she said. “It is about black lives that do matter. And, unfortunately, we know that’s a phrase Donald Trump will never use because apparently, he does not feel that way. So I think we can move on and do what is necessary to respond to the people who are marching in the streets, demanding one system of justice in America, demanding that we are one step closer to the ideal of equal justice under law.”

“And that’s why, in fact, Cory Booker and myself and members of the Congressional Black Caucus and so many others have produced the Justice in Policing Act to address the harm and the tragedy of George Floyd and Breonna Taylor and Ahmaud Arbery and so many others,” Harris continued. “We have solutions. Donald Trump does not. And so, let’s focus on getting those solutions implemented, including passing the George Floyd Justice in Policing Act.”

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