Teachers’ Union Head Eskelsen Garcia: ‘I Double-Dog Dare Donald Trump to Sit in a Class of 39 Sixth Graders and Breathe That Air’

As President Donald Trump pushes to reopen schools in the fall amid the ongoing coronavirus pandemic, National Education Association (NEA) president Lily Eskelsen Garcia on Wednesday “double-dog” dared the president to “sit in a class of 39 sixth graders and breathe that air.”

Eskelsen Garcia on CNN’s “New Day” slammed Trump for not using the term “safely” in his push to reopen, which she said is why the NEA supports his opponent former Vice President Joe Biden in the upcoming 2020 presidential election.

Host Alisyn Camerota asked, “Are public schools ready to open in September?”

“You can see why we are supporting Joe Biden over Donald Trump. Did you hear the word he didn’t use? Safely. Safely,” Eskelsen Garcia replied. “There’s no one that wants their kids back with us more than teachers. Maybe their parent. Maybe their parents beat us out there, but we want to open it safely. We see what happens when they let bars open prematurely and you saw those young adults in there in that nice little bar, and they went home and they infected everybody around them. This isn’t a bar. We’re talking about second graders. I had 39 sixth graders one year in my class. I double-dog dare Donald Trump to sit in a class of 39 sixth graders and breathe that air without any preparation for how we’re going to bring our kids back safely.”

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