ABC’s Hostin: Trump ‘Traffics in Racism Regularly’

Monday on ABC’s “The View,” co-host and network legal analyst Sunny Hostin said she did not believe President Donald Trump did not hear the “white power” chant on a video he shared on Twitter because “he traffics in racism regularly.”

Co-host Whoopi Goldberg said, “Another weekend, another uproar that started from you know whose Twitter account. What a shocker. He retweeted a video of people counter-protesting an anti-you know who demonstration in Florida, and it featured a reoccurring theme in his presidency.”

She continued, “The ended up deleting the Tweet, which is a shocker in itself, but not before it reached his 80 million-plus followers. Now the White House says he didn’t hear the white power chant, but all he noticed was the enthusiastic supporters. Now, I don’t know how. Everybody and their mama heard that chant, but maybe, Sunny, I’m wrong. Are you buying he didn’t hear it? He didn’t know what he was retweeting?”

Hostin said, “I mean this is a president who traffics in racism. He started his campaign trafficking in racism, calling Mexicans, you know, rapists, and we know that what he called African countries. He traffics in racism regularly. There’s, you know, good on both sides, that kind of thing. And the notion that the White House talked about this tweet and didn’t condemn what was said on the video is remarkable to me. I think the White House press secretary Kayleigh McEnany said that the president — she didn’t take the opportunity to in any way condemn that phrase, and the White House press secretary Judd Deere said he the president didn’t hear the statement made on the video. The statement was made over and over again. I just can’t imagine that that’s what this country has come to. That we’re being led by this kind of man.”

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