Coons: Tulsa Rally Showed Trump ‘Isn’t Able to Wish Away the Coronavirus’

Monday on MSNBC, Sen. Chris Coons (D-DE) said the low turnout at President Donald Trump’s rally in Tulsa, OK showed the president could not wish away the coronavirus pandemic because he did not “persuade even his most loyal supporters to come out and to engage in this sort of rally.”

Coons said, “President Trump’s rally in Tulsa showed some of his underlying weakness. He isn’t able to wish away the coronavirus, the COVID-19 pandemic. He isn’t able to persuade even his most loyal supporters to come out and to engage in this sort of rally that he was hoping would kickstart his campaign. And if he doesn’t take a firm and clear position in favor of robust policing reform, I don’t see how we’ll get anything real done here in the Senate before the next election.”

He added, “When you’re the incumbent president and people overwhelmingly think the country is going in the wrong direction, they look to their federal government for leadership in providing a coordinated and successful response to a pandemic, and they don’t see it, they look to their president for a moment of healing when there’s such deep division, and they don’t see it or hear it, that clearly is a negative. So, I would agree that President Trump, by his inactions and by his actions, is making things worse for himself, for his own re-election.”

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