Ben Carson: We Will ‘Work’ with Trump on Anthem Kneeling Stance — ‘He’ll Get There’

In a Monday interview on “The Hugh Hewitt Show,” HUD Secretary Dr. Ben Carson revealed he and others are working with President Donald Trump on changing his hard stance against athletes kneeling during the national anthem.

Carson said he believes Trump, who once referred to anthem kneeler Colin Kaepernick and anybody else kneeling as a “son of a bitch,” will eventually change his stance.

“I think the important thing is if they are going to kneel during the national anthem that they make sure that people understand why they’re kneeling,” Ben Carson told host Hugh Hewitt. “A lot of people are under the impression that they’re kneeling because they don’t respect our national anthem or they don’t respect the flag or what it stands for. And in fact, I don’t think that’s the reason that most of them are kneeling. I think most of them are kneeling because you know, they want to protest some brutality in the police forces. They need to make that very clear. And of course, now that that has been brought to national attention, I’m not sure if it needs to continue.”

Hewitt asked, “So is there any chance you might persuade the president that he ought not to be upset with players kneeling during the national anthem?”

“Well, I don’t think he has manifested as much animosity in that region lately,” Carson replied. “And I think we just continue to work him. He’ll get there.”

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