Kamala Harris: Trump Threat to Withhold Funding for Michigan Vote-by-Mail Effort an ‘Attempt at Committing a Crime’

Thursday on MSNBC’s “The Last Word,” Sen. Kamala Harris (D-CA) argued President Donald Trump was attempting to commit a crime with his threat to withhold funding allocated by Congress for coronavirus pandemic response.

Trump tweeted the threat after it was revealed some states, including Michigan and Nevada, were mailing out absentee ballot applications.

MSNBC host Lawrence O’Donnell asked Harris about a point she made earlier on the network and likened the threat to Trump’s prior impeachment charge dealing with Ukraine, for

“I just want to reemphasize that point that you made so strongly. This is in effect what the president got impeached for, isn’t it?” O’Donnell asked.

“Well, it is yet again at least an attempt at committing a crime by Donald Trump,” she replied. “In terms of the fact that it is a crime, it’s literally a crime. It’s a violation of the United States Code to withhold money from the states in a way that would interfere with people’s ability to vote. So, yes, but then we also know that the president doesn’t seem to be burdened by the laws or following the laws. So, this is nothing — this is nothing new, Lawrence.”

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