Tuesday on Fox News Channel’s “Fox & Friends,” as Democrats on Capitol Hill and those in the media are crying foul over the Trump administration removal of State Department inspector general Steve Linick, White House press secretary Kayleigh McEnany reminded viewers such moves are not unprecedented.
According to McEnany, firing of IGs the were held over from prior administrations was an action taken by his predecessor, Barack Obama.
“The president said yesterday that he told various departments who have Obama I.G. officials that they – it’s their decision whether to let that individual go,” McEnany said. “Secretary Pompeo made that recommendation, and the president agreed with it. And I would just note that when President Obama did the very same thing when he fired IGs – when several IGs came together and wrote a letter saying, President Obama, you’re inhibiting our investigations, you know, no one seemed to care then, but all of a sudden when President Trump does what’s in his lawful authority, people are very upset about it.”
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