Hirono: Trump ‘Definitely Projecting’ When He Calls Obama Admin ‘Corrupt’

Senator Mazie Hirono (D-HI) on Sunday’s “Kasie DC” on MSNBC weighed in on President Donald Trump being critical in a tweet earlier in the day of former President Barack Obama and his “corrupt and incompetent” administration for “Obamagate.”

Hirono said Trump labeling the Obama administration as “corrupt” was “definitely projecting” on the president’s part. She also hit Trump and his administration for their “idiotic and crazy” remarks regarding the ongoing coronavirus pandemic.

“[A]ll the president cares about is himself and protecting himself, and he will lash out at anyone who comes, who gets in the way of that,” Hirono argued. “And that’s why he fires the inspector generals, he does all kinds of things that will protect himself.

“There is this thing called projection, and when he calls President Obama the most corrupt — that is definitely projecting,” she added. “Because Trump is a president who believes that he can do anything he wants and the rule of law is out the window and aided and abetted by his attorney general. He’s not our attorney general, he’s Attorney General [William] Barr who says, Trump, every time, all the time, that’s exactly how Trump feels. It’s himself, all the time, every time.”

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