Sunday on MSNBC’s “AM Joy,” host Joy Reid said President Donald Trump is attempting to move on from the coronavirus pandemic and reopen the economy  because it is “disproportionately killing people who are black and brown, which is not his base.”

Former CBS News anchor Dan Rather said, “Joy, I think it’s important to point out that this has developed as it became increasingly clear that those who are suffering the most from the coronavirus are people above a certain age and people below a certain level on the economic scale. And once the president became convinced, ‘Okay, it’s those people at the bottom end of the economic scale and some people above, say, age 70 or 80,’ then he took this strategy, this tactic saying, I’m just going to talk about positive things and let the devil take the high note with the deaths. That’s the way of normalizing the deaths.”

Reid said, “Yeah, it’s very —it’s hard to ignore the fact, absolutely as you said, as it has emerged also that it’s disproportionately killing people who are black and brown, which is not his base. You know, so he has sort of moved in a direction that can keep his base thinking, ‘Well those people are the ones at risk, it doesn’t matter to me.’ That is very difficult to miss as well.”

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