Dick Morris: Cuomo Canceled NY Primary to Undermine Biden, Get Nomination

In a Sunday interview with New York City AM 970 radio’s “The Cats Roundtable,” former Bill Clinton adviser Dick Morris said he believed Gov. Andrew Cuomo (D-NY) pulled a “very skillful move” to help thrust him to win the 2020 Democratic presidential nomination.

With former Vice President Joe Biden appearing to be what Morris described as a “disaster,” Morris suggested Cuomo strategically had the New York State primary canceled amid the coronavirus pandemic to prevent Biden from having a committed first-ballot majority.

“I think that Cuomo is pulling a very skillful move,” Morris told host John Catsimatidis. “Cuomo had the New York legislature cancel the primary in New York State, which means that New York’s delegates are going to go to the convention uncommitted because there will be no primary to bind them. I think that the reason he did that so early, so soon … is that he wants all the other states to follow and cancel their primaries.”

He continued, “That way Biden will not have a committed first-ballot majority. It will be perfectly possible for delegates to leave him and vote for Cuomo. I think that’s the motive behind Cuomo’s move.”

Morris went on to say Democrats are “looking very seriously” at the New York governor after watching him handle the pandemic in New York.

“It could be a last-minute thing at the convention,” he advised.

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