Wednesday on “Fox & Friends,” Secretary of State Mike Pompeo weighed in on the China Communist Party’s part in the coronavirus outbreak and President Donald Trump saying the United States needed to hold China “accountable.”

Pompeo agreed with Trump that China should be held accountable for their actions during the spread of the virus, adding doing so will prevent future pandemics from happening again.

“What the Chinese Communist Party did here in not preventing the spread of this around the world they are responsible for,” Pompeo explained. “America needs to hold them accountable. I have been heartened to see Australia, other countries joining this demanding an investigation because while we know this started in Wuhan, China, we don’t yet know from where it started. And in spite of our best efforts to get experts on the ground, they continue to try to hide and obfuscate. That’s wrong. It continues to pose a threat to the world, and we all need to get to the bottom of what happened here not only for current instant but to make sure something like this doesn’t happen again. There are still many labs operating inside of China today, and the world needs to know that we’re not going to see a repeat of this in the days and weeks and months ahead.”

Pompeo went on to point to China’s efforts to cover up the virus’ origination in Wuhan by kicking out journalists and taking doctors out of the news.

“Those are the kind of things that communist institutions do,” he noted. “We all know them from the Soviet days. We know the kinds of things that communist parties do to try and manage information inside of their own country and around the world.”

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