Monday on ABC’s “The View,” co-host Whoopi Goldberg made a comparison between Doctor Josef Mengele, who tortured and murdered Holocaust victims at the Auschwitz concentration camp, and Donald Trump, noting Mengele was the “last person that really even suggested anyone use bleach.”
Goldberg said, “Well, I have to say the reason that the story is still in the news is if you have little kids, you have to constantly explain to them, no, you cannot drink bleach. You cannot do this. You know, the last person that really even suggested anyone use bleach was a man called Dr. Mengele, and he did bad things to people. So we don’t discuss bleach.”
She continued, “I have all of the compassion for everybody because it’s not an easy job, but one of those journalists sitting there should have stood up and said, No, sir, that is a dangerous thing to say because you can actually kill people.”
Referencing White House coronavirus response coordinator Dr. Deborah Birx, Goldberg said, “She should have said, No, sir, and yes, she should have jumped up. That’s part of the reason they’re there. They’re there to protect us and to make sure we are getting the facts, and it wasn’t a joke because that’s not how you do a joke. You say at the moment, you know, well, why not this? I’m just kidding. That’s how you do that. You don’t say, Oh, I was just kidding the next day. He made a mistake. Nobody called him on it, and she didn’t really call him on it. She didn’t really call him on it. She should have said, No, sir. No one can ingest bleach ever because it kills. That’s what they needed to do, and nobody did it. So, you know, that’s all I have to say.”
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