On Friday’s “PBS NewsHour,” New York Times columnist David Brooks criticized the government response to coronavirus and stated, “this is what happens when you elect a sociopath as president, who doesn’t care, who’s treated this whole thing for the past month as if it’s about him,” and said President Trump’s press conference earlier in the day, “was all his propaganda. It wasn’t honest with people.”
Brooks said, “I feel a deep sense of anger that our government has responded so badly. And, frankly, it’s — this is what happens when you elect a sociopath as president, who doesn’t care, who’s treated this whole thing for the past month as if it’s about him, how do people like me? Minimizing the risks. Does the stock market reflect well on me? And he hasn’t done the normal things a normal human being would do, which was to, let’s take precautions. Let’s do the backup things we need to do. Any president would sit down with his team and say, people will suffer here. Let’s get ready. And he’s incapable of that. And he’s even created an information distortion field around him. Even today, the press conference today was all his propaganda. It wasn’t honest with people.”
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