Schweizer: Hunter Biden’s Commercial Activities a ‘Major Factor’ in Joe Biden’s Decline

On Wednesday during an interview on Fox News, Breitbart News senior contributor and Government Accountability Institute President Peter Schweizer, the author of the book Profiles in Corruption: Abuse of Power by America’s Progressive Elite, tied former Vice President Joe Biden’s struggles on the presidential campaign trail to Hunter Biden.

Schweizer told Fox News Channel’s Sean Hannity all the Democratic presidential candidates had “corruption problems,” including former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg. However, he also explained how those problems were having an impact on the overall race for the Democratic presidential nomination.

“I think it’s going to be hard, Sean,” he replied. “Because, look, the bottom line is that they all have corruption problems. And Michael Bloomberg has stepped into the race. He has got challenges as well involving his business activities, particularly as they relate to China.”

“But, the bottom line is it’s the issues so far that nobody on the stage wants to talk about but, invariably is going to bubble up because Joe Biden was in the crosshairs because of Hunter Biden’s commercial activities and I believe that was a major factor in his decline of his campaign in these primaries,” Schweizer added.

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