GOP Sen. Perdue: House Impeachment Managers ‘Have Not Proven Their Case’

Senator David Perdue (R-GA) on Thursday declared the House impeachment managers have still “not proven their case” against President Donald Trump.

Perdue told Fox News Channel’s “America’s Newsroom” that the House’s impeachment articles of abuse of power and obstruction of Congress against Trump are “not impeachable.”

“Our charge in the Senate is to rule on the articles that have been brought to us,” Perdue advised. “These two articles as we’ve heard over and over this week after eight scintillating days here is that the articles are not impeachable. And more than that, the House managers have not proven their case.”

Perdue said the Senate has enough information to rule on the two charges against Trump and said it is time vote to acquit him.

“This is shutting the Senate down,” he emphasized. “We’ve heard all the evidence now. It’s become very repetitive as you could see last night. It’s time to move to a vote on acquittal as soon as possible.”

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