Hirono: If Senate Doesn’t Call on Bolton as Witness It Will Tell Me GOP Is ‘Rigging This Trial’

Senator Mazie Hirono (D-HI) on Monday’s “New Day” on CNN reacted to a New York Times report claiming a draft of a book by former National Security Advisor John Bolton accuses President Donald Trump of wanting to withhold aid to Ukraine until it completed investigations of former Vice President Joe Biden.

Hirono said that if the Senate elects not to call on Bolton as a witness in the Senate impeachment trial after this “bombshell information” then it shows Senate Republicans are “rigging this trial.”

“I can only hope that the Republicans, who as far as I’m concerned, particularly with this bombshell information about what Bolton has to say, they are behind the eightball, and one hopes that they will step up and face up to some facts. They have been saying and the White House counsel has been saying that there are no direct witnesses tying the president’s withholding of this aid to investigations and here is John Bolton saying that is exactly what was going on.”

She added, “It will tell me that the Republicans are going right along with the president and Mitch McConnell in rigging this trial. It should be a fair trial, and the people in our country know that they want to hear from witnesses and documents, all of which the president has completely stonewalled. So, this called a rigged trial.”

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