Former Sen. Claire McCaskill (D-MO) asserted Wednesday during MSNBC’s live coverage of the impeachment trial of President Donald Trump that Republican senators were bluffing when they claim they want former Vice President Joe Biden’s son Hunter Biden to testify under oath.”

McCaskill said, “Let’s tell a dirty secret about Hunter Biden, though. If they really wanted Hunter Biden at a hearing under oath, all that Lindsey Graham would have to do is get the Republicans on the Judiciary Committee to tweak the rule and allow a subpoena to be issued from the Judiciary Committee for Hunter Biden or Joe Biden and call them in. This is a little bit of a bluff on their part. They own the senate. I mean, we’ve demonstrated time and again that Mitch McConnell is willing to throw precedent and rules in the trash. Have you met Merrick Garland?”

She added, “If they really wanted Hunter and Joe Biden in front of the American people, they could figure out a way to get them there. This is just them playing a game. And thinking that all of us are too dumb to realize they’re playing that game.”

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