GOP Rep. Collins: Democrat ‘Whining and Theater’ Shows How Weak Impeachment Case Is

Tuesday during an appearance on Fox News Channel, Rep. Doug Collins (R-GA), one of the congressional members of President Donald Trump’s legal team, criticized the House Democrat impeachment effort led by Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA).

The Georgia Republican categorized the effort as “whining and theater,” adding it demonstrated how weak the case was against Trump.

“From what we’re hearing right now, it’s just another line of what we’ve seen with Schiff all along,” Collins said. “He is willing to say anything, do anything, tell anything to get at this president. This is not just a simple matter, a one-off. It’s not a two-off. It’s just a regular habit of what this man does. He does not want to come to grips with the truth that the president is the president. He is doing a good job. And he wants to do anything he can to take him down. But the whining and theater that’s going on the Senate floor today for him and other — it just really takes the cake today. It just shows the American people how weak the case is, and how they’re wanting other people to do their job for them.”

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