Tucker Carlson: ‘Democrats Aren’t Promising Change — They Want Revolution’

Monday during his Fox News Channel show monologue, Tucker Carlson cautioned Republicans not to think they have the 2020 presidential election already won.

Carlson acknowledged economic metrics, and a lackluster Democratic presidential field favored Republicans. However, he also said the days of landslide elections were over given the polarization in American politics.

The Fox News host also offered one reason as to why many Americans reject Democratic Party policy positions, which he argued rejected norms that have existed in the United States since its founding. That, according to Carlson, reflected the “revolution” Democrats want.

“Democrats aren’t promising change — they want revolution,” he said. “Centuries of American history and custom, abolished. A nation starting over from scratch. Year zero. That’s what they’re calling for. Most people aren’t for it. They may be frustrated with the state of the country. They may be anxious about the future. But they don’t hate America. They don’t want to topple George Washington and implement Maoism. They’re conservative in the most basic sense: they love their families above all. They distrust radical theories of anything because they know that when the world turns upside down, ordinary people get hurt. They don’t want to burn it down. They just want things to get better. The candidate who promises to make them better — incrementally, but tangibly — will be inaugurated president a year from today.”

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