On Friday’s “PBS NewsHour,” New York Times columnist David Brooks said he was surprised by the number of people who joined President Trump’s impeachment defense team and predicted that House impeachment manager Adam Schiff (D-CA) will “walk all over them. Because he has the evidence on his side.”
Brooks said, “I’m, frankly, struck by the number of people who have joined his defense team, Alan Dershowitz and Ken Starr. I would not do this. I mean, there’s not — like, whatever you think of Trump or not, there’s not a lot of good arguments on your side. Like, why would you want to go to a movie where you’ve got nothing but bad lines? And so, I think they’re all going to hurt them. I mean, I think they will get through this. But I would not say it’s a career enhancer for anybody. I don’t know why they’re all signing up for this.”
He added, “Schiff will just — he’ll just walk all over them. Because he has the evidence on his side. So, it’s not a debate you want to have when you’re on a losing side. And this is basically a political game to get through it.”
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