Sanders Adviser on Warren Flap: There Were ‘Wires Crossed Here’

On Monday’s broadcast of CNN’s “Cuomo Primetime,” Sanders campaign senior adviser Jeff Weaver stated that there were “wires crossed” regarding what Sanders said about women winning the presidential race during a conversation with fellow 2020 candidate Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA).

Weaver began by stating that Sanders has been Warren’s friend for a while, and cited Sanders deferring for Warren in his 2015 book.

He added, “So, there’s some wires crossed here. But clearly, Bernie Sanders did not say that a woman could not win.”

Weaver elaborated on his statement that there were “wires crossed” by saying, “I think there was a discussion about Trump, misogyny, sexism in politics, and the difficulty of running in the era of Trump for women, the special challenges that women face in the era of Trump, but those conversations can sometimes get misconstrued.”

Weaver later stated that it’s curious that the story was “dumped out” by people “who weren’t at the meeting” a year after the meeting took place and three weeks before the Iowa caucuses, but that he isn’t questioning the timing of Warren, but rather “some of the people around her.”

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