Meadows: Iranians ‘Should Be Worried’ — Not About Regime Change, Their Economy Is Imploding

Saturday during an appearance on Fox News Channel’s “Justice,” Rep. Mark Meadows (R-NC) explained how even though the Iranians have vowed retaliation against the United States for the drone strike that killed Qasam Soleimani, they have other serious domestic problems with which to be concerned that threaten the stability of the regime.

Meadows told FNC’s Jeanine Pirro he saw the Iranian economy imploding, given its double-digit unemployment.

“Well, they better take it serious. I can tell you, Judge, one of the interesting things, this is not just a tweet. Everybody was talking about the President. And he made a decisive action, an action that should have been taken. We’ve now taken out two of the top terrorist, manipulators, and generals in the last three months, in about three months. And it’s because this President has been willing to take the action. But here’s the interesting thing is, when we took out this general, we had already identified these targets. This is not just a tweet. Everybody is talking about retaliation. And we should be vigilant. We should be cautious. But the risk of not doing things is certainly greater than the risk of taking this action that the President so rightly took just a few days ago.”

“And so I can tell you that who should be worried about this is the Iranians, the Iranian government. This is not about a regime change. But if you talk about double-digit unemployment, their economy is imploding. Here’s what we do know. We will strike back. And we will strike back appropriately. And we can do it without putting boots on the ground in their country.”

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