Scalise: Pelosi Attempting Her Own ‘Quid Pro Quo’ in Impeach Delay

On this weekend’s broadcast of “Fox News Sunday,” House Minority Whip Steve Scalise (R-LA) said House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) was carrying out her own “quid pro quo” by delaying sending the articles of impeachment to the Senate.

Scalise said, “It’s her duty to turn it over. It’s not like some mechanism she can control. The House passed it. They shouldn’t have. You look at what the evidence was, and Speaker Pelosi wanted to talk about the evidence, every one of their witnesses testified under oath saying there was no crime, saying there was no quid pro quo.”

Her added, “Maybe she’s trying to carry out her own quid pro quo by acting as if she’s got some kind of role in the Senate trial. They had a weak case. I think she knows they had a weak case. There was no evidence and no crime committed, and yet they still wanted to impeach the president to appease their radical base. That’s what this was about from the beginning. They’ve neglected a real agenda for hardworking families, by the way. What you’re seeing right now, I think Pelosi is exposing the fact she has no case and trying to have one more bite at the apple.”

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