MSNBC’s O’Donnell: Biden Made a ‘Colossal Gaffe’ — Unlike Anything I’ve Ever Seen

On Wednesday’s broadcast of MSNBC’s post Democratic presidential primary debate analysis, network host Lawrence O’Donnell said former Vice President Joe Biden made a “colossal gaffe,” when he referred to former Sen. Carol Moseley Braun (D-IL) as the “only” black woman elected to the Senate when his opponent Sen. Kamala Harris (D-CA) was on stage with him.

O’Donnell said, “And then there’s the Biden debate which was scored as a kind of flawlessly solid debate for him until this colossal gaffe where it’s a gaffe unlike any other I’ve seen in a debate performance because it’s literally about a person who’s standing on the stage who he in this moment has forgotten exists. And he’s referring to when he’s making his point that he has a very important presidential endorsement from what he said was the only black woman elected to the United States Senate and he meant the first. That’s Carol Moseley Braun.”

He continued, “We know what’s in his heart. We know he’s a good guy but the fact you that leave the black woman standing on the stage, standing in the shot saying what about me, that was within the dynamic of that gaffe. It’s as bad a moment as he could have had on that stage. And right up to that moment, it’s his most solid debate yet.”

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