GOP Rep. Crawford: ‘Hearsay Is Not Good Enough to Convict Somebody’

Wednesday on Fox News Channel’s “Your World,” Rep. Rick Crawford (R-AR) reacted to testimony given by U.S. Ambassador to the European Union Gordon Sondland to the House Intelligence Committee.

Crawford argued much of what was heard from Sondland relied on conjecture, speculation and hearsay, which he said were not sufficient to build a case for impeachment against President Donald Trump.

“It’s tough to say [where the impeachment inquiry goes] because it’s really kind of — for a lack of a better term, this is somewhat of a Rorschach test,” Crawford said to host Neil Cavuto.  “I mean, if — if you’re committed to the impeachment narrative, you’re probably going to use that to support that narrative. If you’re not, you can — there’s plenty of evidence to suggest that this is, again, hearsay and even triple hearsay in some cases. And despite what some of the members on the committee would like to think, hearsay is not good enough to convict somebody. And as much as they would like it to be, I think you have got to have more sound, fundamental evidence of that is firsthand accounts. And, so far, we have not heard anything firsthand.”

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