On this week’s broadcast of “Fox News Sunday,” Rep. Jim Himes (D-CT) said the Democrats’ case against President Donald Trump does not solely rely on the testimony of Ambassador to the European Union Gordon Sondland.
Anchor Chris Wallace asked, “Doesn’t your case essentially depend on Sondland? If he doesn’t say that the president set this condition, this quid pro quo, doesn’t that blow a hole in your case?”
Himes said, “I don’t think it blows a hole in the case. Why do I say that? There is now ample evidence out there that you know there was a corrupt deal being cooked up. For example, the statement by the former National Security Advisor John Bolton that he didn’t want any part of this as he called it ‘drug deal’ that was being cooked up.”
He added, “The president, who frequently says ‘I’m the most transparent guy out there’ is not letting, is refusing to permit, other people like his chief of staff, who presumably had conversations about this to come to testify… he is refusing to permit emails and phone calls and other documents that might actually shed some light on this to come forward.”
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