During CBS’ coverage of the impeachment hearing on Wednesday, George Washington University Law Professor Jonathan Turley stated that while there is plenty in President Trump’s conduct to be upset over, House Democrats are “proceeding on the narrowest basis for impeachment in the history of this country.” He also expressed skepticism as to whether Democrats “gained a lot of ground” with regards to impeachment.

Turley said, “I think that there’s a lot to be outraged about. You certainly don’t need a crime for impeachment, but you do need clarity. And they’re proceeding on the narrowest basis for impeachment in the history of this country. We’ve never gone up with an impeachment just on abuse of power linked to a single controversy like this. That is a very slender basis. And I’m not too sure they gained a lot of ground on impeachment, as opposed to, all of this does not seem right to many of us. There’s a lot here that makes us all upset. But the question is, is this really an impeachable offense, and how do you distinguish what the president did here with what presidents do in conversations with heads of states?”

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