Tuesday on “Fox & Friends,” former House Speaker Newt Gingrich voiced his opposition to the impeachment inquiry into President Donald Trump over an alleged quid pro quo with Ukraine.

Gingrich said the whole impeachment inquiry is “garbage” and “crazy.”

“My personal view: All of this is garbage,” Gingrich declared.

“Remember, this president is saying to the Ukrainians, ‘Help me get to the truth,'” he continued. “When did the New York Times and the Washington Post suddenly decide that covering up the truth was a good idea? This is crazy. And the Democrats, frankly, are behaving in a way that’s crazy. Historians are going to look back and say this whole case was totally made up.”

Gingrich went on to say the impeachment probe is a “coup” that is “literally like the Salem Witch Trials.”

“There is nothing here,” he added. “Presidents who want to find the truth have every right to say to a foreign government, ‘Will you help me get to the truth?’ And that’s what Trump was doing.”

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