Moulton on Trump, Ukraine: ‘If This Is Not Impeachable, I Don’t Know What Is’

Wednesday, Rep. Seth Moulton (D-MA) commented on the upcoming House vote on officially opening an impeachment inquiry into President Donald Trump over his phone call with Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelensky, saying it is “hard to imagine” Trump having done “something worse.”

The former 2020 Democratic presidential candidate questioned on CNN’s “New Day” why Republicans would not condemn Trump and call for his impeachment for “leveraging military aid to an ally … that is under daily attack from Russia.”

“If this is not impeachable, I don’t know what is.,” Moulton told CNN.

“What the president has done is unconscionable. It’s hard to imagine something worse, frankly,” he added. “This certainly rises above what Nixon did and certainly what Clinton did. So, the idea that this is not an impeachable offense I think is crazy.”

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