Malkin: ‘Smear Machine’ Led by Southern Poverty Law Center, ACLU, La Raza Preventing Rational Discussion on Immigration

While we know the left opposes President Donald Trump’s efforts on immigration, it is not clear what the left under the banner of the Democratic Party’s ideal immigration policy is in 2019. And according to conservative commentator Michelle Malkin, certain actors on the left are preventing any sort of rational discussion about the issue.

During an appearance on Huntsville, AL radio’s WVNN during an appearance in Washington, D.C. at the Federation for American Immigration Reform’s (FAIR) Hold Their Feet to the Fire annual radio event, Malkin, the author of “Open Borders Inc.: Who’s Funding America’s Destruction?” named those actors, which she described as a “smear machine.”

“We’re never going to have a rational discussion with the far left about that,” Malkin said. “What’s wonderful about the work FAIR does, and many of the immigration enforcement groups here in Washington is they actually zero-in on the most important questions. How many? What are the numbers? Where do we want them from? What traits do we want them to bring to our country? And how do we enforce the laws when we detect people who don’t belong here? We can’t talk about those questions because of this concerted smear machine led by the Southern Poverty Law Center, the ACLU, the National Council of La Raza. I’ve got a whole chapter on the whole history of the tactics they use against immigration enforcement patriots like the people at FAIR.”

“I’ve been labeled a white supremacist,” she continued. “I’ve antisemite. I’ve been married to the grandson of Ukrainian Jews. It doesn’t matter. They’re going to use those labels to shut off our speech. And now they’ve partnered with Silicon Valley. I think it is important that people understand that the war on our borders, the war on our sovereignty and war on free speech are all inextricably linked.”

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