Thursday on “Fox & Friends,” former White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders, now a Fox News contributor, touted the new attacks on President Donald Trump over a whistleblower complaint saying he urged Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelensky to investigate former Vice President Joe Biden as a good thing for the United States president.
According to Sanders, the attempted takedown of Trump is “embarrassing” and is only going to help get Trump reelected.
“[T]he idea that they thought there was going to be some type of major bombshell to come out of this is frankly embarrassing for the Democrats,” Sanders proclaimed. “I think that it’s one of the dumbest and most ridiculous political moves that we’ve seen in history, how they have forced impeachment over this issue.”
She continued, “The fact is, I think that this should be looked at in-kind contribution to the president’s reelection campaign because all this is doing helping fuel his campaign. They’re raising more money, they’re rallying his base and they’re unifying the Republican Party in a way that only they can by attacking this president the way they do time and time again. It is absurd that they continue to go down this road and haven’t learned anything new from it. I think the big loser in all this process has to be Joe Biden. He is coming out … looking terrible.”
Sanders went on to liken the “fake” Ukraine scandal as the “absurd Russia witch-hunt” to “fool American voters.”
“I think this is exactly out of the Democrats’ playbook,” she explained. “They used a fake scandal with Russia, now they’re trying to use a fake scandal with Ukraine.”
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