Wednesday on MSNBC’s “Andrea Mitchell Reports,” Washington Post columnist Eugene Robinson criticized President Donald Trump’s comment that he was the “chosen one” to take on China.

Robinson said, “You get to the point where he looks at the sky and says I’m the chosen one. You get to that point and you cannot — I don’t see how any responsible leader could say this is a guy I could count on. This is a guy I can count on in a crunch.”

Mitchell said, “The ‘I am the chosen one to deal with China’ is so beyond the pale. And it is, in fact, the trade war with China that’s creating a lot of volatility in our markets and pain for the farmers.”

USA Today columnist Susan Page said, “When we just read those words I thought maybe he was being humorous, but he looks serious there. He doesn’t look like he’s being witty or ironic.”

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