Monday on his Fox Business Network program, Lou Dobbs warned President Donald Trump not to neglect issues related to illegal immigration.

According to Dobbs, Trump’s base is expecting a border wall and a decrease in illegal immigration, which has been on the rise. If progress was not made on those issues, there could be political consequences, he warned.

Transcript as follows:

I want to turn to another turn here, on the part of the administration. At the same time they are announcing this rule [limiting green cards for those on welfare] the president is making clear he wants more legal immigrants in this country, the Senate is looking at that wants to double the H1b visas in this country, which is effectively outsourcing American jobs. And we’ve got Kellyanne Conway … saying all of this is basically negotiable with Republicans, she thinks a deal can be done on illegal immigration and on guns. It doesn’t make any difference, throw it all together.

His base is expecting a wall. They’re expecting illegal immigration to be stopped. Instead, immigration year over year is rising dramatically. We’ve got four times the number of families being apprehended at the border. This is not going well.

I absolutely believe this is a historic president, this man is doing things that were unimaginable even ten years ago which he has achieved. But, my God, November 2020 is nearing at an alarming rate. Somebody is advising him in the most peculiar and, I think, antithetical to his interest manner.

You know who is coming straight at the president? Focusing on the forgotten man and woman — Pocahontas herself, Sen. Elizabeth Warren is going straight at the working man and woman in this country and talking about taxing the rich and raising hell. And it seems to be resonating in these early days.

If this president forgets who his base is, and listens to some of the — these folks advising him on illegal immigration, the wall, gun control, jobs, visas, and the American worker, it is going to be a damn even election.

(h/t RCP Video)

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