Brooks: Biden and Harris Gave ‘Pretty Good’ Responses on Whether Trump Is a White Supremacist

On Friday’s “PBS NewsHour,” New York Times columnist David Brooks said that he thinks 2020 Democratic presidential candidates former Vice President Joe Biden and Senator Kamala Harris (D-CA) gave good responses to questions on whether President Trump is a white supremacist.

Brooks stated, “I thought Biden’s answer and Kamala Harris’ was pretty good, which was, I don’t know, but he’s certainly enabling them, and he’s certainly speaking the language. He uses the language of invasion when talking about immigration. Now, I read a lot of the manifestos this week of those who’ve actually killed in Christchurch, New Zealand, and El Paso. They start with invasion. They go many more steps. They believe that racial mixing really is a cancer, and they have this deep separatism. I don’t know if Trump has that. But he has certainly set an atmosphere where it’s easier to talk about human beings as an invasion.”

Brooks added that there is the further question of “how do we address ourselves to Donald Trump supporters, many of whom are very realistic and are supporters of him for good reasons having to do with their own lives and the dissolution of their own communities? It’s going to be hard to have a conversation once the president has been declared sort of really beneath contempt.”

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