Wednesday on CNN’s “New Day,” former Rep. Mark Sanford (R-SC), also the former governor of South Carolina, discussed his flirtation with seeking the 2020 GOP presidential nomination in a race that would have him taking on incumbent President Donald Trump.

Sanford cited what he called a “most predictable financial crisis” as the inspiration for such a run.

“That’s a good question,” Sanford said. “I struggle with any given morning here. But I guess it boils down to this: I think we are walking our way to the most predictable financial crisis in the history of our nation. If you look at our numbers in terms of debts and deficits, we’re having zero conversations on that front. I think the Republicans, which I’ve been a part of for a long time, has abandoned its conversation even on the importance of financial reality. If nobody says something, we’re going to have to wait until the next presidential election cycle to have this needed conversation on where we go next as a country on debt, spending and the deficits that are accruing.”

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