MSNBC’s Wallace: ‘Beautiful,’ ‘Brilliant,’ ‘Bad-Ass’ Kamala Harris Is the Antithesis of Trump

Friday on MSNBC’s “Deadline: White House,” host Nicolle Wallace said Sen. Kamala Harris (D-CA) is “beautiful,” “brilliant,” and a “bad-ass,” who she said would not even know who a man like President Donald Trump is.

While reporting on the Trump teams reaction, the Democratic debates, Washington Post reporter Ashley Parker said, “The people who really popped for them was Warren and Kamala. So Warren they think she has an appeal that is very different way from Trump. She is authentic. She can give a good speech on the stump. She knows what she thinks. And that economic populism is one they think can hurt him. Kamala Harris, they think she is aggressive. She is a very good prosecutor, but sort of a black woman and daughter of I believe Indian and Jamaican immigrant. She is the physical antithesis. She has the life story antithesis of President Trump and offers a pretty strong contrast there.”

Wallace said, “So, I think both of those women speak to his psychological issues. Elizabeth Warren is that human being who is smarter asleep on Ambien than he is awake jacked up on coffee. Kamala Harris is just that woman he couldn’t even get to look at him. She’s beautiful. She’s brilliant. She’s a bad-ass. She’s stronger than him. She’s tougher than him. She’s smarter than him. She’s just the kind of woman that would never turn her head and even know who he was as sort of a sea level reality tv figure.”

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