Kamala Harris Accuses Trump of ‘Misleading the Public’ on Domestic, Foreign Policy

Tuesday on MSNBC’s “The Last Word,” Sen. Kamala Harris (D-CA), a 2020 Democratic presidential hopeful, said President Donald Trump was “misleading the public” on domestic and foreign policy.

When asked if she believes Iran is guilty of the attacks on oil tankers in the Middle East, Harris said, “I am of the opinion and belief that there is a lot of what this administration says about policy, domestic and foreign, that is misleading the public.”

She continued, “Let’s be clear, Iran presents a threat to the United States, which is why we engaged and entered into the nuclear agreement in the first place. So let’s be clear about that. And so the question then becomes, knowing the danger and the potential threat presented, what do we do to keep our nation safe? And a lot of thought and negotiations went into what seemed to be a feasible solution, which was the deal where we would have the ability to track and to have accountability, and now he’s pulled us out of that.”

She added, “I would certainly have us rejoin it. You know, I would also look toward expanding it. To be honest with you, I would like to see it also cover ballistic missile testing. I’d like to see that we would have certainly accountability but probably increased oversight. But, sure, yes.”

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