Fox News Channel’s Pirro: Congress ‘Ought to Be Fired’ for Forcing Trump to Negotiate with a Foreign Power to Solve the Immigration Crisis

Saturday during her “Opening Statement” monologue on Fox News Channel’s “Justice,” host Jeanine Pirro attacked members of Congress for their part in prolonging the “immigration crisis” facing the country.

Pirro called out Congress for putting Trump in the position to have to use leverage over Mexico created by the threat of tariffs as a solution to the problem.

“Now that I think of it, Congress ought to be fired for forcing this president to negotiate with a foreign power to solve a national immigration crisis that our own government won’t solve — either because it is a manufactured crisis,” she said. “Are you stupid and blind or do you hate the president so much that you would rather we Americans suffer the burden of the children of illegals into our already too small classrooms? Not having the budget to hire the teachers to deal with the variety of languages they speak with the American kids suffering a slowdown in their own education, not to mention MS-13 gang members in school who killed students at a high school on Long Island. Who pays for this?”

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