Watch: Bill Maher Envisions a Scenario Where Trump Kills Pompeo, Bolton

During the opening of the panel segment of Friday’s broadcast of HBO’s “Real Time,” host Bill Maher asked his panel New York Times columnist Charles Blow, Rep. Katie Porter (D-CA) and analyst Clint Watts to imagine a scenario in which President Donald Trump might kill off his foreign policy team similar to how North Korean dictator Kim Jong-Un would have killed members of his government.

The members of the negotiating team in Maher’s hypothetical scenario included Secretary of State Mike Pompeo and National Security Advisor John Bolton.

“I guess my first question is this — speaking of negotiations,” he said. “It was reported last week Kim Jong-Un had his entire negotiating team killed. What if Trump killed his negotiating team? What if he killed Mike Pompeo and John Bolton? What would Mitch McConnell say or do?”

After a moment with the puzzled faces of Blow, Porter and Watts on camera, Blow asked, “That’s a real question?”

“Yeah, it is,” Maher replied.

After an effort by the panelist to respond, Maher added, “I’m just asking. I don’t know. I’m just asking.”

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