Booker: Barr’s Spying Comments ‘Delegitimized His Voice’ – ‘He’s Suspect’

During an interview aired on Saturday’s broadcast of MSNBC’s “AM Joy,” 2020 presidential candidate Senator Cory Booker (D-NJ) stated that Attorney General William Barr’s spying comments “delegitimized his voice and his position by providing no evidence, and I think he’s suspect.”

Booker said that Barr’s comments were “a betrayal of trust. Those — in its very essence, he proved himself — he delegitimized his voice and his position by providing no evidence, and I think he’s suspect. I really do believe he is suspect. I think that it’s our responsibility, Democrats and Republicans, and so far, we’ve had a pretty good chorus on both sides of the aisle, in the Judiciary Committee, asking that report be released and not filtered through someone who is a political appointee and seems to be acting more like that than the attorney general of recent.”

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