Friday on MSNBC’s “Live,” Rep. Steve Cohen (D-TN) said it will be difficult for Republican Senators to turn on President Donald Trump even if Special Counsel Robert Mueller “found the smoking gun” because the president ” been successful in brainwashing,” the Republican Party’s base voters.
When asked if impeachment is warranted how will Democrats get Republicans on board, Cohen said, “It’s going to be very difficult because Trump has done a marvelous job, the media has allowed him to do it by putting him on constantly, his speeches and putting out his Roy Cohn like diatribes saying the investigation is a hoax and a witch-hunt, et cetera. You see 50% of the public buys this now. They believe him more than Mueller. That is absurd. It is astonishing to me he’s been as successful. But he’s been successful in brainwashing the American public.”
“The American public that he has done that to are the base of the Republican Party,” he continued. “And for the Republican senators, that’s their hardcore that they don’t want to alienate. And so I think it’s going to be near impossible to get Republicans in the Senate on board to convict this man, even if he found the smoking gun, the tape recording that was in Nixon, anything like that I don’t think it will happen. What we’ve got is — you say Giuliani said it was like awaiting the birth of a baby. It reminds me of the birth of Rosemary’s Baby.”
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