Brooks: Trump’s Statement About ‘Tough’ Supporters ‘Classic Authoritarianism’

On Friday’s “PBS NewsHour,” New York Times columnist David Brooks stated that President Trump’s comments about some of his supporters by stating that those remarks are “classic authoritarianism.” And “compensation.”

Brooks said, “He left out the Brownshirts. It is classic authoritarianism. It’s almost Mussolini-like. I happen to think it’s compensation. As a friend told me that — a friend of Donald Trump’s told me that he’s terribly afraid of confrontation in person. He’ll do it over the Internet, but he won’t do it in person. And so, he needs to project toughness. And he admires toughness in the Saudis and Putin and the North Koreans. And that is his highest virtue, but it’s something of a blustery front, which is typical of bullies.”

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