Watch Live: Cowboys for Trump Ride into D.C.

A group of cowboys on horseback plan to ride into Washington, DC, on Friday after traveling across the country to support President Donald Trump and his agenda.

On the group’s Facebook page, they write:

We believe that we are a nation at crisis and want to show support for our President who is standing with us preserving our way of life. Our three main concerns are 1. Securing our nation’s porus southern border, 2. Protecting the unborn, and 3. preserving our 2nd Amendment right. Unfortunately our nation’s security is being used as a political bargaining chip with the residents of our nation’s borderlands paying the price. We believe we are a nation of laws and want to see those laws upheld. As a nation, we must stand behind President Trump and his push for strong border security.

(Matthew Perdie / Breitbart News)

The live stream will play above.




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